<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD" The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit INTRODUCTION 1. During His ministry, Jesus promised the Spirit to those who believe on Him - Jn 7:37-39 a. For the believer, "out of his heart will flow rivers of living water" b. Fulfilling Scripture, perhaps the one in Isa 58:11 -- In what way does receiving the Spirit produce "rivers of living water"? 2. I believe the answer lies in the "fruit" of the Spirit, that which is born by one... a. Who has received the "gift" of the Spirit b. Who benefits from the "indwelling" of the Spirit c. Who is "led" by the Spirit -- Which when produced, blesses himself and those around him [What is the "fruit" of the Spirit? What should we expect to see in one who has received the Spirit as promised by Jesus? In Ga 5:22-23 the apostle Paul provides the answer...] I. DEFINING THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT A. A MANIFOLD EXPRESSION OF GRACES... 1. Love - active good will, expressed toward God and man 2. Joy - gladness, delight, especially in response to God's grace 3. Peace - tranquility, harmony, both with God and our fellow man 4. Longsuffering - patience, forbearance, self-restraint in the face of provocation (Vine) 5. Kindness - sweetness of temper that puts others at ease (Plummer) 6. Goodness - generosity that reaches beyond just giving what is one's due 7. Faithfulness - the virtue of reliability (Barclay) 8. Gentleness - a humble and kind demeanor that helps to calm another's anger 9. Self-control - the virtue of one who masters his desires and appetites (Thayer) B. REGARDING THE EXPRESSION OF THESE GRACES... 1. Paul defines this as the "fruit" (singular) of the Spirit a. These graces produce one "fruit" b. The human spirit may develop some of these graces c. The Holy Spirit produces them all! 2. Paul's list of graces is likely not exclusive a. Other graces produced by the Spirit include righteousness, hope - Ro 14:17; 15:13 b. Other graces likely include faith, virtue, knowledge, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness - cf. 2 Pe 1:5-8 [Where the Spirit indwells, strengthening the Christian (cf. Ep 3:16), the "fruit" of the Spirit will be evident. The graces that make up this "fruit" are spiritually refreshing, like "rivers of water" that nourish both one's soul and those around him. How can we ensure that the Spirit produces this "fruit" in our lives? Again, Paul provides the answer...] II. DEVELOPING THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT A. WE MUST WALK IN THE SPIRIT... 1. Otherwise we will fulfill the lust of the flesh - Ga 5:16-17, 25-26 a. Unable to do the things we want, such as produce the fruit of the Spirit b. Producing instead the works of the flesh, which prevent true love, joy, peace, etc. 2. This we do by minding the things of the Spirit - cf. Ro 8:4-6 a. Those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit, such as the Word which the Spirit reveals b. Spiritually minded, they experience true life and peace -- With minds focused on the Word of God, living in harmony with what the Spirit teaches through the Word, we will walk in the Spirit B. WE MUST BE LED BY THE SPIRIT... 1. Only then are we truly the sons of God - cf. Ro 8:14 a. No longer enslaved to the flesh - Ro 8:12 b. But able to put to death the deeds of the flesh - Ro 8:13 2. Led by the Spirit as described in our previous study a. Externally through the Word, as He instructs and convicts - Jn 16:7-8; Ep 6:17 b. Internally through the indwelling, as He empowers and blesses - Ep 3:16; Ro 15:13 3. Lest we overlook the obvious, two tools are essential to being led by the Spirit: a. The Word of God - the Spirit instructs and teaches in no other way b. Prayer - through which we can ask for strength from the Spirit - Ep 3:16,20 -- Through obedience to the Word of God and faithful prayer, we will be led by the Spirit to produce His fruit in our lives CONCLUSION 1. To the Samaritan woman, Jesus offered what He called "living water" - cf. Jn 4:10-14 a. What He referred to also as "the gift of God" b. Producing in those who drink, "a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life" 2. Could Jesus be referring to the gift of the Spirit? Perhaps, for... a. The Spirit is given to those who obey God - Ac 2:38; 5:32 b. Those who receive the Spirit, "out of his heart will flow rivers of living water" - Jn 7:37-39 3. Certainly the figure of "living water" is a fitting depiction of the fruit produced by the Spirit in the life of the Christian... a. Producing graces that spiritually refresh the Christian and those around him b. Producing graces that certainly prepare the Christian for life everlasting May we be diligent to so walk in the Spirit, and be led by the Spirit, that the fruit of the Spirit is produced in our lives...!<< Previous | Index | Next >>